Friday, October 15, 2010

News Alert

Breaking News...

Breaking News...

This just in...

Somewhere in the midst of the up state South Carolina...

a strange phenomena has taken hold!

(it's actually striking all across our great land)

Many specialist have looked into this only to shake

their heads in


and disbelief .

A questionable diseas has

been attacking

Great Pyrenees Pups across

the land !!!

This, for to now, unexplained

diseas first

attacks somewhere about

the toes

and then crawls right up their furry sleeves!


None are completely immune!!

It seems to strike all of them

from the friskiest young

to the highly regal

sitting on their thrones!!!

It is being contemplated that

the ever so bright white Pyr's

may be taking on traits across the breed line...

Some fear traits from the



(note picture above)

may be creeping up on the

Great Pyr's !



causing these yet to be explained side effect...

starting with color

changes of the shiny white coat

And yet other professionals in the field are considering it

to be side effects

of a phenomena to be known

as a "Thibby-ism".

005 009

Be very careful Princess Chloe,

It seems to be catching !




Please stand by...

We will interrupt local programming

with any new developments !

Awww...Momma, we were just havin' fun !

paws blue

Chloe & Thibby

This has been brought to you

by those little newsmakers at messy pyr pups are us!

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